Thursday, May 13, 2010


My girlfriend and I went to have some bbq out in the boonies(driftwood,texas) and my curiosity was entraced by a steeple I made out beyond the horizon and came across a Hindu Temple to my surprise!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Colors of Love

I decided to take Kenley to Cafe Monet a place I had discovered the year before last to do some painting, but then I got this great idea before mothers day to " Do it for our mothers" instead. So we selected out a cup, plate, a sun lid and its counterpart out of various pottery on a wide selection that Cafe Monet has to offer. With the help of their friendly staff who advised us on color coordination, we picked out our colors and made our way to a table which is set up for our convience with water and scratch paper for "OOps" spills. This was exciting and creative as we "winged it" and felt like kids again! It took about two hours to come out with our final product - so don't knock it lol. Now we are just waiting for our lovely mothers to endulge in their gifts as we edulged our colors into their hearts.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Krause Effect: This is the way death should be.

We recently went to the Krause Springs in Spicewood, Texas on a partly cloudy, sunny day. We laid in a hammock in their garden and read to my boyfriend while we swayed back and forth as the light breeze caressed thru our hair. As we noticed the trees greenly shade and the sun rays kindly kissing the tip of our toes. We looked up in awe as we listen to this giant wind chimes that nonchalantly conducted the birds and the butterflies combined with the trickling waterfall into a harmonious symphony. No one but you and nature inhale with a deep breath as you close your eyes into the blinding light at the end of the tunnel.
