Friday, November 12, 2010

We All Eat Yellow Noodle Soup, " Yellow Noodle Soup"

What looks like chicken?, taste like chicken?, but isn't Chicken?.........Soy!  For about a year now we have gone to this restaurant to eat a healthy vegan meal......You might  say "Vegan!...Eeewww!" , but surprisingly that was my first reaction when my boyfriend introduced it to me, But was I in for a surprise and was I blown away! This stuff not only looks healthy and its good for you, but it taste great too! and its been around for so long now! Everything is 100 % vegan they don't even have honey for the hot awesome tea they serve! Ive been hooked to the grilled chicken plate and Ken is a noodle for the yellow noodle soup! Apparently if you had some kind of illness this type of eating is highly recommended for you on your way to healing recovery! Austin has similar restaurants, but lucky for Houstonians, its in the heart of Houston! Thai food is the next best thing but after you have tried this you will never go back to Chinese!!

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